In the mouths of ancient Indian Philosophers "Pramāṇa" meant the "right instrument" or the tools we use to reach truth and understanding. At Pramāṇa Language Lab, we believe that everyone has the right instrument to make themselves heard and understood, and that the tools for doing so are diverse, complex, and often real weird!
We offer podcast editing services and sound capture and design to groups in hard to reach places. We specialize in working with nonprofits, religious communities, minority groups and others who worry that high quality podcasting and sound design is out of their budget or reach. Our rates for work are based on a sliding scale, which means smaller organizations will be able to find extremely affordable rates. We also make in-house podcasts and other media on the evolution of language, game theory, and field recording.
Outside of sound design, we provide creative consulting on Linguistics, Philosophy, Religion, Intercultural Dialogue, and other areas of expertise. Our main work is these areas is the creation of fictional languages, or con-langs, for use in a variety of educational and entertainment media. If you believe the Pramāṇa Language Lab can help you and your community be heard, please reach out today to schedule a free 1-hour consultation.
We can clean, edit, provide sound fx, post, and manage your podcast or other sound-based endeavor! Check out the latest episode of
PlayQuest to see what we can do!
The Pramāṇa Language Lab specializes in producing live field recordings of human subjects and natural environments. If you are struggling to make or find perfect sound, reach out to learn how we can help! Get a
free 1-hour consultation, and check out our work on SoundCloud!
Are you working on a project that involves the way langauge undergoes change? Does your creative project need content sensitive to ethical, philosophical or religous themes? Do you need research done related to applied ethics, recording, sound, or lingusitics? The Lanaguage Lab is here to help. Peruse Our Current Projects to get an idea of our specialities.
The Lab enganges in a variety of projects--from podcasts, to games, and books--in order to fulfill its mission to preserve, cultivate, and educate people about the phenomenon of semantic change.
Check out the most recent episode of PlayQuest here, and view more projects below.